
电子证据证明力认证的展开 被引量:6

Appraisal of the Evidentiary Weight of Electronic Evidence
摘要 电子证据证明力认证主要负责判定电子证据是否具有证明力以及其证明力的大小,即电子证据可靠性程度的认定。据案件事实的构成要素,可从时间、场所、人员、技术、过程五个要素来衡量电子证据的准确性;而从内容和结果角度审查电子证据的完整性,需要对电子证据本身记载内容、负载电子证据的信息内容以及电子证据所依附系统进行完整性审查。此外,电子证据的原件和复制件的证明力大小、不同情况下电子证据证明力的比较也是电子证据证明力认证需要完成的任务。 The appraisal of the evidentiary weight of electronic evidence is mainly responsible for determining whether the electronic evidence has evidentiary weight or not and its proof ability, which is the certification of its reliability extent. According to the elements of case facts, we can measure the accuracy of electronic evidence from five aspects, i.e. time, place, personnel, technology, and process; as for the integrity of electronic evidence, it is necessary to check up the content integrity of electronic evidence, the information that includes electronic evidence and the system that stores electronic evidence. In addition, the evidentiary weight of original and replicated electronic evidence; the evidentiary weight comparison of electronic evidence in difficult situations are also included in the task of appraisal.
作者 王俊
出处 《福建警察学院学报》 2011年第2期90-99,共10页 Journal of Fujian Police College
关键词 电子证据 可靠性程度 残缺电子证据 证明力 认证 electronic evidence reliability extent incomplete electronic evidence evidentiary weight appraisal
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