In the past, mainly metallic and nonmetallic elements were used as indica-
tors in geochemical prospecting for metallic deposits, and the experimental use
of organic gases as indicators has been reported only in foreign literature in
recent years. As no such test has been carried out in China, light hydrocarbon
analytical method suitable for exploration of metallic deposits has pot yet
been developed and tested. This paper presents a newly-developed analytical
method for light hydrocarbon. The sample is placed in a vacuum vessel and
decomposed with acid to release hydrocarbon gases which are then determined
by gas chromatography. Nine items(C1-C5)of alkyl olefin can be determined si-
multaneously. The detection limit for the sample is quite low:0.l μ1/kg for
methane, with detection rate 100% and relative deviation not in excess of
±20%. The analyses of we than 3000 samples prove this method to be re-
liable. Trial survey with this method was conducted in lead-zinc deposits, gold
deposits and faulted areas, where light hydtocarbon gases prove to be extensi-
vely existent and form distinct anomalies. Facts show that light hydrocarbon
gases seem to be a good geochemical indicator which is worth further investi-
It is for the first time that the hydrocarbon gas survey was performed in
metallic deposits of China.
Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration