

A Study of the Effect of Em ergent P T C A in High Risk Patientsw ith Acute Inferior M yocardial Infarction
摘要 目的 急诊经皮冠状动脉腔内成型术( Em ergence P T C A)能改善急性前壁心梗患者的预后已成定论,但急诊 P T C A 是否对急性下壁心梗患者有益尚有争论。本文总结了我院 1996~1998 年入院治疗 33 例急性下壁心梗高危患者的治疗效果,旨在探讨急诊 P T C A 对急性下壁心梗高危患者的治疗意义。方法 33 例经体表心电图确诊为急性下壁心梗高危患者根据治疗方法的不同分为 A、 B两组。 A 组 15 例,均在发病 6 h 内行急诊 P T C A; B组 18 例,予药物治疗。结果 研究结果发现 A 组住院天数、 S T 段恢复正常时间、 C P K 峰值及到达峰值的时间、心脏事件发生率与 B组均有显著性差异。 A、 B两组死亡率、左室射血分数无显著性差异。结论 急诊 P T C A 对急性下壁心梗高危患者有益。 Objective To study the therapeutic effect ofem ergent P T C A in high risk patients w ith acute in ferior M Iinstead of acute anterior M Iw hich had been proved to be effective. Methods 33 patients w ere di vided into tw o groups: Group A, all of the 15 patients did em ergent P T C A w ithin 6 hours after onset of A M I; Group B, other 18 patients received routine drug therapy. Several indices w ere com pared betw eenthe tw o groups. Results Hospitalization tim e, peak C P K, the tim e to peak C P K, the recovery tim e of S Tsegm ent, and heart event of Group A w ere significantly low er than thatof Group B. Fatality of acute infe rior M Iw as low er in Group A than in Group B . Conclusion It is proved that em ergent P T C A m ight alsochange the outcom e of high risk patients w ith acute inferior M I.
出处 《上海铁道大学学报》 CAS 1999年第9期27-29,共3页
关键词 下壁 高危患者 心肌梗塞 PTCA percutancous coronary A M I,acute anterior M I high risk patients
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