
普适计算环境下三维模型的错误保护编码 被引量:1

Error-Resilient Coding of 3-D Graphic Models for Ubiquitous Multimedia Services
摘要 普适计算环境普遍存在传输信道误码率高的问题。三角网格模型由于不规则的网状结构,对于传输错误非常敏感。为提高三角网格模型在普适计算环境下的传输质量,提出了一种三维模型的错误保护编码方案。将三维模型数据编码为类似二维图像的方式,三角网格模型不规则的网状结构被消除,数据关联性大为降低,误码弹性得到根本改善。为了进一步提高编码效率,给出了基于错误保护的压缩编码方案。为了控制创建过程中产生的参数化误差,还提出了一种均匀准保角平面参数化方法,确保了重建的三维模型忠实于原始三维模型。模拟试验的结果表明,与常规的三角网格编码方法相比,这种编码方法改善了三维模型数据的误码弹性,并只需较少的存储空间。 Transmission channel of ubiquitous computing environments always has high bit error rates.Current coding techniques for 3-D graphic models mainly focus on coding efficiency,which makes them extremely sensitive to channel errors due to their irregular mesh structure.A new approach for error-resilient coding of arbitrary 3-D graphic models is introduced.Since the surface geometry of an arbitrary structure is re-sampled on a regular domain grid,and correlation between data is greatly reduced,error-resilient can be fundamentally improved.In order to improve the coding efficiency,error resilient geometry image compression coding scheme is introduced.To ensure that the reconstructed model is faithful to the original model,an extended bounded-distortion piecewise mesh parameterization method is proposed.Simulation results have demonstrated that the proposed coding algorithm can not only reconstruct 3-D mesh surfaces faithfully but also save storage space and be error-resilient.
出处 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期1-7,共7页 Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni
基金 NSFC-广东联合基金资助项目(U0735001 U0835004 U0935004) 国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2007BAH13B01)
关键词 三维网格模型 错误保护编码 几何图像 3-D graphic Model Error-Resilient coding geometry image
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