
两例分别由父源性平衡易位和母源性插入易位导致8p部分三体智力低下患儿的临床表型和遗传学分析 被引量:8

Two cases of partial trisomy 8p derived from paternal reciprocal translocation or maternal insertion translocation: clinical features and genetic abnormalities
摘要 目的明确两例智力低下患儿8号染色体短臂异常性质和来源,分析其染色体改变与表型的相关性。方法首先应用常规G显带分析2例患儿及父母外周血染色体改变,然后应用比较基因组杂交芯片(array comparative genomic hybridization,arrayCGH)对其中1例常规核型分析的结果进行精确定位。结果例1母亲的染色体改变为8p和3q的平衡插入易位,该患儿继承了母亲的1条衍生3号染色体,核型为46,XX,der(3)invins(3;8)(q25.3;p23.1p11.2)mat,导致8p部分三体。AtrayCGH分析显示重复区域为8p11.21—8p22,片段大小为26.9Mb,该患儿主要表现为智力低下,未见其他8p三体的典型临床特征。例2父亲的核型为8p和11q的平衡易位.该患儿继承了父亲的1条衍生11号染色体,核型为46,XX,der(11)t(8;11)(p11.2;q25)pat,临床表现为智力低下,特殊面容,同时伴有先天性心脏病和骨骼异常,与典型8p三体表型相似,但面容特征不典型。结论8p部分三体是2例患儿异常表型的主要原因,但与典型的8p三体相比,表型存在异质性;父母染色体分析可以帮助明确易位的性质从而有利于再发风险评估;与传统的细胞遗传学分析方法相比,arrayCGH在染色体异常分析中具有更高的分辨率和准确性。 Objective To determine the origin of aberrant chromosomes involving the short arm of chromosome 8 in two mentally retarded children, and to correlate the karyotype with abnormal phenotype. Methods Routine G-banding was performed to analyze the karyotypes of the two patients and their parents, and array comparative genomic hybridization (array CGH) was used for the first patient for fine mapping of the aberrant region. Results The first patient presented with only mental retardation. The father had normal karyotype. The mother had an apparent insertion translocation involving chromosomes 8 and 3 E46, XX, inv ins (3;8) (q25.3;p23.1p11.2)], the karyotype of the child was ascertained as 46,XX,der(3) inv ins (3;8)(q25. 3;p23.1p11.2). Array CGH finely mapped the duplication to 8pll. 21-8p22, a 26. 9Mb region. The other patient presented with mental retardation, craniofacial defects, congenital heart disease and minor skeletal abnormality. The mother had normal karyotype. The father had an apparently balanced translocation involving chromosome 8p and llq, the karyotype was 46,XY, t(8;11)(p11. 2;q25). The karyotype of the child was then ascertained as 46,XX,der(11)t(8;11)(p11. 2;q25). Conclusion These results suggested that partial trisomy 8p was primary cause for the phenotypic abnormalities of the two patients, whereas a mild phenotypic effect was observed in patient 1. Parental karyotype analysis could help define the aberrant type and recurrent risk evaluation. In contract to routine karyotype analysis, aberrant regions could be mapped by array CGH with higher resolution and accuracy.
出处 《中华医学遗传学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期247-250,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics
基金 上海市自然科学基金(09ZR1425600)
关键词 智力低下 8p部分三体 插入易位 平衡易位 比较基因组杂交芯片 mental retardation partial trisomy 8p insertion translocation reciprocal transloeation array comparative genomie hybridization
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