目的 探讨肠内营养在儿童胰腺外伤治疗中的应用效果.方法 回顾性分析2003年6月至2010年10月首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院收治的胰腺外伤患儿临床资料.记录损伤程度、营养制剂及使用方式,有无营养相关并发症及转归.结果 25例胰腺外伤患儿中,12例应用肠内营养.肠内营养患儿中.Ⅱ级损伤4例,1例手术;Ⅲ级损伤7例,1例手术治疗;Ⅳ级损伤1例,予保守治疗.7例患儿肠内营养早期出现轻度胃肠道反应,经降低液量及调整渗透压后,均自行缓解;1例实施肠内营养5 d后出现发热、腹痛,经调整肠内营养方案无缓解,遂停止.12例患儿随访4个月至7年,均恢复良好,无假性胰腺囊肿复发及胰腺炎的发生.结论 肠内营养可提高胰腺外伤患儿保守治疗的成功率.
Objective To confirm the reliability of the enteral nutrition (EN) in pediatric pancreatic injury. Methods A retrospective study. Children who were admitted with panereatic injury to our hospital between Jun. 2003 and Oct. 2010 entered in this study. Clinical data included: degree of pancreatic injury, methods of EN, operation or non-operation, and complication related with EN. Results 25 patients were en- tered in this study include 12 patients who were treated with EN. II4, Ⅲ7, IV1. Compare with no euteral nutrition treatment group, of seven cases with three degree injury, only one patient was performed by Roux-en-Y. One of eight patients who suffered with EN associated complications had to discontinue enteral nutrition. The follow up within 4 months to 7 years, no complications was found. Conclusions Enteral nutrition is worth of using in pediatric pancreatic injury.
Journal of Clinical Pediatric Surgery