

Study on the ELDRS of bipolar linear operational amplifier
摘要 针对空间辐射环境下应用的双极型器件抗辐射能力与地面高剂量率辐照模拟试验所获得器件的抗辐照水平存在差异,在地面利用^(60)Co辐射源开展了双极型运算放大器的总剂量辐照试验研究,分析了辐照剂量率、辐照偏置和室温退火3种试验组合条件下样品的总剂量响应。结果表明,在300Gy的辐照水平下,低剂量率辐照条件下器件参数的退化损伤是高剂量率条件下的2.46-816.67倍,受试样品具有明显的增强型低剂量率敏感度效应(ELDRS),辐照敏感参数为输入偏置电流、输入失调电流、输入失调电压和开环增益,退化损伤结果与辐照剂量率、辐照偏置有关,高剂量率辐照后受试样品的室温退火有较小的时变效应,低剂量率辐照后受试样品的室温退火有明显的时变效应。 Bipolar linear devices laboratory irradiation testing results are significantly different from the actual in flight exposure to the radiation. In this paper the total dose irradiation of operational amplifiers, and analysis upon the total dose response of these bipolar circuits under the different test conditions were investigated in the same experiment. Total dose tests of bipolar linear operational amplifiers show susceptible to dose rate, bias and room temperature annealing during exposure. The critical sensitive parameters of operational amplifier are input bias current, input offset current, input offset voltage, and open loop gain, which exhibits both bias and dose rate dependence. With calculating the change of each electrical parameter (Apara) for each sample at 300 Gy radiation level, it has been found that the ratio of the Apara at low dose rate to the Apara at high dose rate exceeds 2.46 times for any of the parameters. So these parts are considered to be ELDRS susceptible. After room temperature annealing, the main parameters have time dependent effect at low close rate and without time dependent effect at high dose rate.
出处 《辐射研究与辐射工艺学报》 CAS CSCD 2011年第3期183-188,共6页 Journal of Radiation Research and Radiation Processing
关键词 运算放大器 ELDRS 辐照剂量率 辐照偏置 室温退火 Operational amplifier, Enhanced low dose rate sensitivity, Irradiation dose rate, Bias, Room temperature annealing
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