本研究通过测定53 个不同品质小麦样品的粘度值、发芽率和脂肪酸值等品质劣变指标,分析了发芽率、脂肪酸值和粘度之间的关系,并认为脂肪酸值、发芽率、感观分析及品尝评分结果都能较好地说明粮食的陈化程度和品质状况,而粘度值用于评价小麦的品质则会产生较大的误差。
The germinating capacities,fatty acid values and viscosities of wheat samples were analyzed by determining the viscosities,germinating capacities and fatty acid values,etc,which are the indices of quality deterioration,of 53 types of different wheat samples and the retrogradation degree and quality state of grains were showed through fatty acid value,germinating capacity,senes analysis and taste evaluation,however,wheat quality was evaluated by only viscosity which would cause greater error.
Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Technology