根据资料报导设计引物,扩增Polymyxa betae的基因组片段,将其克隆在pGEM-3Zf(+)质粒载体上,并通过双酶切、PCR扩增和部分序列测定,证明克隆片段为P.betae基因组片段。用扩增P.betae基因组片段的引物对由P.graminis侵染小麦和O.brassicae侵染豇豆根系抽提的总DNA进行PCR扩增,均未获得任何DNA产物,进一步证实了上述结果。对移入病土2、3.5天的甜菜苗单株根系进行DNA粗提,移入病土3.5天的甜菜苗PCR检测其已被P.betae侵染,对确定P.betae的早期侵染有重要意义。
According to reports, primers were designed to amplify the genomic DNA fragment of P. betae,which was cloned to pGEM--3Zf(+). By restriction endonuclease digestion, PCR amplification and sequenceanalysis, the cloned DNA fragment is identificated as gemomic fragment of P. betae. NO any DNA product wasobtained in detection of P. graminis or O. brassicae from infected roots of wheat or string bean respectively,which further proved that the primers used for DNA fragment amplification of P. betae is specific to P. betaeonly. Posttransplant in infected soil for two or thee and half a days, cruds DNA was extracted from single rootof sugar beet seedlings and used for PCR test which showed that P. betae DNA could be identified specificallyin the sugar beet seedlings with easy infection period.