在汤山葫芦洞大洞发现的偶蹄类化石共有 4个科、 5个属种 ,其中化石毛冠鹿为首次在华东地区发现。除德氏水牛相似种以外 ,其它属种与周口店第 1地点的标本相比具有个体较大(如李氏野猪、葛氏斑鹿和肿骨鹿 )或形态较进步 (如李氏野猪、似德氏水牛 )。这些动物所反映的古环境为植被丰富 ,并以阔叶乔木和灌木为主 ,间有局部开阔草地。当时的年平均气温与现在相似 ,但冬季偏冷。
Hulu Cave is located at Tangshan County,Nanjing Municipality,Jiangsu Province.It is composed of a main cave and a branching cave.Some mammal fossils were found by local workers in 1990 and 1992 in the main cave,and they were identified by Professor Xu Qingqi up to 15 species.The fauna is very close to that of Locality 1 of Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site and that of Hexian Man Cave.Xu felt that it would be possible to find hominid fossil at the cave.A big discovery was made on 13 March of 1993,a hominid skull was unearthed in the branching cave.This finding aroused the interests of many related units and experts.Professor Wu Rukang was then funded by CNNSF to launch a research on the site.Within the framework of this research,the present author studied the artiodactyla found from the main cave.\;The artiodactyla found in the main Hulu Cave and identified by the present author total 3 fimilies,5 genera and 5 species.Another team has identified Capreolus sp.with their collections (Huang Yunping,1996).The artiodactyla found at Tangshan Hulu Cave are therefore as follow:\ \ Sus lydekkeri\;Cervus (Sika) grayi\;Megaloceros pachyosteus\;Elaphodus cephalophus\;Capreolus sp.\;BAubalus cf. teilhardi\;They are larger in size (e.g. Sus lydekkeri,Cervus grayi,Megaloceros pachyosteus) and more advanced in morphology (e.g. Sus lydekkeri,Bubalus cf. teilhardi ) than those from Locality 1 of Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site.And they are very likely the descendents of Zhoukoudian forms.That is to say,the Hulu fauna is younger than Zhoukoudian fauna,and likely the late Middle Pleistocene.The Elaphodus cephalophus is the first Pleistocene record in East China.The Hulu fauna is similar to Hexiam fauna,too,but less important than Zhoukoudian fauna.\;Among these 6 species,4 of them are cervids,which are forest\|woodland dwellers.The suid is also a woodland dweller,while the buffalo is a grassland dweller.Both suid and buffalo are wetland dwellers too.It can be concluded that the environment of the period was forest\|woodlan
Acta Anthropologica Sinica
国家自然科学基金资助项目 !(批准号 4 935 2 0 0 3)
Homo erectus , accompany animal, artiodactyla, Middle Pleistocene, paleoenvironment, Tangshan Hulu Cave