目的 研究核素显像与X 线、CT、MRI联合诊断脊椎骨病的临床价值。提高诊断的准确性。方法 对100 例脊椎骨疾病病人同时进行核素显像和X 线( 包括CT,MRI)诊断,其中60 例与手术及病理对照。结果 核素显像,X 线照相及二者联合对脊椎病变诊断的灵敏性分别为79 % ,88 % 及93 % ,特异性分别为92 % ,71 % 及94 % ,准确性分别为82 % ,73% 及93 % 。结论 核素显像与X 线联合对脊椎骨病诊断可有效的避免假阳性和假阴性,提高诊断准确性,减少临床误诊率。
Purpose To study value of joint diagnosis of spine disease with radionuclide imaging and radiological examination,increase the accuracy of diagnosis.Methods 100 patients of spine disease undergo the radionuclide imaging and radiological examination and 60 patients contrast with the result of operation and pathological.Results The sensitivity,speciality and accuracy of radionuclide imaging,radiological examination and two methods joint were 79%,88%,93%;92%,71%,94% and 82%,73%,93% successively.Conclusion The joint of radionuclide imaging and radiological examination can avoid false positive and false negative effectively and increase the accuracy of diagnosis. [
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology