
史前社会复杂化进程的理论探索 被引量:7

Theoretical Research on the Complexing Process of Prehistoric Society
摘要 复杂化是社会在其生存基础、社会结构、意识形态等各个方面从简单到复杂,从平等社会向等级社会过渡的一种进程。这是史前社会一种全球性的趋势,造成这一趋势最基本的动力是人口压力,它迫使群体采取强化食物生产、从事战争或贸易等直接刺激复杂化出现的措施。复杂化的实现手段是对包括经济权力、军事权力、思想意识在内的几种主要的权力的控制来达到的。它在考古学上的表现形式则是:聚落的人口、规模及相互之间的差异;墓葬的规模与差异;显赫物品的空间分布;仪式性建筑的规模;世袭程度等。 The complexing of society was the process of society transforming from simplicity to complexity in subsistence base, social structure and ideology and from equality to hierarchy. This was a global tendency for prehistoric society. Its basic motive force was population pressure, which forced communities to take appropriate measures, such as intensifying the production of food, launching war or going into trade, which stimulated directly the rise of complexity The means of accomplishing complexity was to control power in the main spheres, including economic, military and ideological fields. Its archaeological manifestation forms are difference between settlements in population, scale and interrelationship, that between tombs in scale and shape, the spatial distribution of distinguishing objects, the scale of ceremonial buildings, the level of the hereditary practice and so on.
作者 郑建明
出处 《华夏考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期114-126,147,共14页 Huaxia Archaeology
关键词 史前社会 复杂化 理论探索 prehistoric society complexing theoretical research
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