以《威廉·麦斯特》为代表的欧洲经典成长小说,是一则"启蒙辩证法"的文学叙事。一方面,它作为启蒙在文学上的表征形式,它以两个现代性事件即自我意识的觉醒及民族国家的建立为内在机制,立足于人及国家的理性精神,高扬人的主体地位,以建构一个以法和原则的精神,达到每个个体充分完整发展的乌托邦前景; 另一方面,它又提倡美学教育、自然教育来反对现代经济社会给个人带来的庸常、分裂,辨析成长之途的自由与线性时间合历史目的论的二律背反,向往情感上的幸福来补充理性的僵硬。
The European Classical Bildungsroman, take Wilhelm Mister as an example, is a symbolic form of the "Dialectic of Enlightenment". It is, obviously, a typical representative of the Enlightenment discussing two modern issues of the self realization and the construction of the modern countries from the following aspects: the reason of the individual and the states, the highly respected human status, the formula of law and principle and the utopian prospect; and it is, meanwhile, an anti-modernity Enlightenment, advocating the Esthetic Education and the Natural Education to avoid the ordinary and alienation of the modern technology, analyzing the paradox of freedom and causality and aspiring the richness of happiness to complement the stiff of reason.