为进一步开展人白细胞介素Ⅱ(IL2)基因修饰的肿瘤疫苗的研究,在已构建的人白细胞介素ⅡcDNA表达载体(pcDNA3/IL)的基础上,利用脂质体,将其引入人肝癌细胞株7721,通过G418 抗性筛选获得阳性克隆,用活细胞计数法检测阳性克隆的细胞培养上清中的LI2 活性,结果表明pcDNA3/IL2 转染的7721 细胞所分泌的IL2 水平明显高于阳性对照pBc12/HIV/IL2 转染的7721 细胞所分泌的IL2 水平。说明重组表达载体pcDNA3/IL2 的表达效率高于pBc12/HIV/IL2,这为下一步制备新型瘤苗打下了基础。
To explore the research of genetically modified tumor vaccine (GMTV) if interleukin?2(IL?2) in detail,constrcted IL?2 cDNA expression vectors (pcDNA3/IL?2)were transfected into hepatomatic cell strain 7721 by the use of a simplified gene delivery system based on liposome.After culture with selective G418 media,positive cell clones were subcultured.The suspension collected was then added to media for CTLL?2 cell line,a IL?2 dependent cell line,to determine the activity of IL?2 secreted by positive cell clones through calculating living cell numbers.The result suggest the expression of pcDNA3/IL?2 is more efficient than positive control of pBC12/HIV/IL?2 by ATCC.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity