采用以ARM Cortex-M3为内核的32位微控制器LPC1768,利用其内置以太网控制器搭建web服务器。web服务器以μC/OS-II为操作系统,并在其基础上,成功移植了LwIP协议栈,通过该协议栈,实现了HTTP(超文本传输协议)服务。文中介绍了该系统的硬件设计和软件开发过程,涉及μC/OS-II的移植、LwIP协议栈的总体架构和移植、LwIP协议栈数据包处理流程、以及网络应用层程序的编写。
A 32bit-microcontroller LPC1768 based on the core of ARM Cortex-M3 was adopted in this server.Its embedded Ethernet controller was used to construct a web server with μC/OS-Ⅱ as the operating system(OS).On the basis of μC/OS-Ⅱ,a LwIP protocal stack was transplanted successfully and HTTP(Hyper Text Ttransfer Protocal) service was realized.The process of hardware designing and software developing was introduced in the paper.Adding to it,the paper included transplanting of μC/OS-Ⅱ,the general structure and transplanting of LwIP protocal stack,the handling proceeding of LwIP protocal stack packet,as well as programming of application layer.
Electrical Automation