To analyse causes and preventive measures of jaundice after cholecystectomy. Method: A total of 1832 casesof cholecystectomy in our hospital during 6 year period from August 1992 to August 1998 was investigated.Results: From B-mode ultrasound scans, CT scans,operations and liver function tests, there were: (1) 7 casesaundice caused injury of the biliary tract; (2) 8 cases jaundice caused remaining gallbladder stones in the biliarytract; (3) 4 cases jaundice caused improper drainage; and (4) 12 cases jaundice caused impairment of hepatocytes.Conclusions: the most common causes of jaundice after cholecystectomy are injury of the biliary tract, remaininggallbladder stones in the biliary tract, improper drainage and impairment of liver functions. Methods forpreventing jaundice after cholecystectomy include fair operatior,necessary intraoperative checking,properdrainage and protection against liver function impairment in the prioperative period.
Journal of Chongqing Medical University