
知识密集型服务活动视角下的创新能力建设——以咨询企业为例 被引量:2

Construction of Innovation Ability under the KISA Perspective——Taking Consulting Enterprise as an Example
摘要 通过对知识密集型服务业(KIBS)和知识密集服务型活动(KISA)进行对比分析,比较两种视角下知识交换类型和适用的行业环境,从而发现:KISA更强调在新知识的共同生产中不同知识来源以及混合异质信息与知识的重要性,强调知识交换的非贸易形式。假设KISA是企业建立学习能力的关键成分,企业的创新过程与这种能力有着紧密联系,并以作为知识密集型服务业(KIBS)典型代表的咨询企业为例,说明KISA如何帮助其进行创新能力建设。 Through comparative analyzing the knowledge intensive business services (KIBS)and the knowledge intensive service activities( KISA), the authors further analyzed the knowledge exchanging types and its applicable industrial environment which are under the two different perspectives. Therefore, they found that KISA emphasized the importance of different knowledge sources, mixed heter- ogeneous information and knowledge which is in the process of new knowledge generation, and stressed the non - traded form of knowl- edge exchange. The paper hypothesized that KISA is vital to enterprises to establish the learning ability, and enterprises' innovation process is closely linked to the ability, the authors took the consulting industry as an example to further explain how KISA helps the construction of its innovation ability.
作者 孟玺 车尧
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第12期5-9,55,共6页 Library and Information Service
基金 <图书情报工作>杂志社出版基金项目"基于市场导向的管理咨询公司知识转移研究"(项目编号:2010CB06)研究成果之一
关键词 知识密集型服务活动 知识密集服务业 咨询企业创新能力 knowledge intensive service activities (KISA) knowledge intensive business service (KIBS) consulting industry innovation ability
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