
超声内镜及经内镜超声小探头检查对食管癌的诊断价值 被引量:7

Use of endoscopic ultrasonography and transendoscopic miniature probe for esophageal cancer diagnosis
摘要 目的 探讨 E U S和 T E M P对食管癌的侵犯深度、周围转移的诊断价值,并比较二种超声的优缺点。方法 对33 例确诊的食管癌,术前17 例行 E U S检查,16 例行 T E M P检查,并与术后病理结果相比较,结果  E U S和 T E M P判断食管癌侵犯深度的正确率分别为82.4% 和 93.8% ( P> 0.05)。判断周围淋巴结转移的阳性率分别为64.7% 和56.3% ( P> 0.05),但 T E M P组假阴性率较高达 63.6% 。结论 两者对食管癌侵犯深度均有较高准确率, T E M P对小病灶及食管腔梗阻者更适合。 Objective Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) and transendoscopic miniature probe (TEMP) were applied to detect the depth of cancerous invasion and surrounding involved lymph nodes. The benefits of the two approaches compared.Methods 33 patients with confirmed esophageal cancer were tested,of which 17 determined preoperatively by EUS and 16 by TEMP.The details were contrasted and checked with postoperatively pathology.Results The percentage of correct assessment of invasive depth reached 82.4% with EUS and 93.8% with TEMP(P> 0.05 );that of lymphatic metastasis being 64.7% and 56.3% respectivdy, despite the higher false negative rate of TEMP(63.6%).Conclusion Detection of depth invasion by cancer cells rated highly with both means,while TEMP seemed more sensitive to small lesions and intraluminal stenosis.
出处 《中华消化内镜杂志》 1999年第4期201-202,共2页 Chinese Journal of Digestive Endoscopy
关键词 食管肿瘤 超声内镜 超声小探头 诊断 Esophageal cancer Endoscopic ultrasonography Transendoscopic miniature probe
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