通过对交流电源的控制实现了微波输出功率的控制,阐述了一种基于ARM Cortex-M0内核芯片LPC1114F/301的高精度微波控制技术。采用双向可控硅技术,通过改变磁控管阳极高压调整阳极电流从而实现对微波功率的控制。同时对磁控管阳极高压及电流进行采样,实现对微波功率的监控。
In this paper,the controlled microware output power is implemented by regulating AC supply.A high precision microwave power control technology which is based on a core chip of ARM Cortex-M0 is proposed.SCR control technology is used.The magnetron anode current is adjusted by changing high voltage of magnetron anode to achieve control of microwave output power.Meanwhile the magnetron anode high voltage and magnetron anode current is sampled to achieve monitoring the microwave power.
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Technology