利用身高标准体重法研究了内蒙古莫力达瓦旗 1738 例(男 854 例,女 884 例)达斡尔族中小学生的营养状况. 研究结果显示:(1)男女生均以 7~9 岁组营养状况较好. (2)随生长发育,男女生营养状况水平下降,男生 13~15 岁时降至谷底,女生 16~18 岁时降至最低水平.(3)男生平均营养水平优于女生. (4)与全国学生、蒙古族、回族学生相比,达斡尔族学生营养水平优于全国学生、回族学生。
The nutritional situation of 1738 examples (male 854,female 884) of school students was investigated by means of height for weight. The results show: (1) Both boys and girls at the age of 7~9 have the best nutritional situation. (2) By the growing of the students, nutritional situation is on the decline, it drops to the lowest point in the group of boys aged 13~15 and girls aged16~18. (3) The average degree of boys' nutritional situation is higher than that of the girls. (4) The nutritional situation of Daur's students is better than that of Hui and the whole country, but similar to that of Mongolia.