Jack Richards教授生于新西兰,1972年毕业于加拿大拉瓦尔大学(Laval University),获应用语言学博士学位,应用语言学界著名教授,曾任教于新西兰、加拿大、印度尼西亚、新加坡、香港和美国等高校。Richards教授著述颇丰,主要有《错误分析(Error Analysis)》(1974),《二语学习中的反思性教学(Reflective Teachingin Second Language Classrooms)》(1996,with Charles Lockhart),《跨越培训(Beyond Training)》(1998),《语言教学矩阵(TheLanguage Teaching Matrix)》(1990),
A world-renowned scholar in the field of applied linguistics, Prof. Jack Richards has worked in different parts of the world. He is extensively published, and is widely known for his broad conception of foreign languange teaching, classroom instruction as well as language teacher professional development. At the beginning of 2011, Prof. Zheng Xinmin and Miss Fang Na, both from Shanghai International Studies University, conducted a semi-structured interview a languag with Prof. Jack Richards on a number of issues of general concern. These issues ranged from the basis of being e teacher and the way of becoming a language teacher to the application of professional knowledge in practice and theorizing from practice. In the interview, Prof. Jack Richards these issues, clarifying the nature of language teaching on the one teaching and teacher-learning on the other. provided us with his succinct and panoramic views on hand, while emphasizing the importance of practice
Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education