目的 观察Mckissock(M)和skoog(S)法对中重度乳腺增生伴下垂引起的巨乳症的手术近期及远期效果。方法 采用Mckissock(M)和skoog(S)两种方法分别对各8例31~47岁患有因中重度乳腺增生伴下垂的巨乳症患者施行手术,并根据乳房美容外观、乳房皮肤颜色和感觉、乳头和乳晕功能及其恢复时间判断手术效果,术后1~5年对患者本人及其丈夫进行了随访。结果 16例均达到了医学美容的效果;10例增生症状完全消失,M法4例、S法2例有轻微痛感;乳头乳晕功能恢复正常的时间:1个月内M法4例、S法6例,2个月内M法2例、S法1例,3个月各1例:随访:满意14例,基本满意2例。无1例发生其他乳腺疾病。结论 两种方法的手术效果均达到了医学美容的设计要求,乳腺增生的部位和手术方法的选择相关。
Objective To observe the operative results and long term comparative effect of Mckissocks and Skoogs procedures for mastomastia with mastoptosis.Methods Mckissocks and Skoogs procedures were used in the mammoplasty on 8 patients aged 31 47 with macromastia and mastoptosis respectively. The operative results were judged according to breast outline, color, and sensitivity of skin, the function of the nipple and areola complex as well as its recovery time. After operation, the patients and their husbands were followed up for 1~5 years. Result Aesthetic results were obtained in all 16 patients; breast hyperplasia and symptoms disappeared in 10 and mild symptoms were seen in 6 (Mckissocks 4 patients and Skoogs 2). The recovery time of the function of nipple and areola complex in most patients was 1~3 months. Follow up observation showed that 14 patients have achieved satisfactory results and 2 patients have got moderate results. No patient had other mammary diseases happened. Conclusion The two operative methods can produce satisfactory results of medical aesthetics. They are selected according to the site of mammary hyperplasia.