天线是射频识别技术(radio frequency identification,RFID)中读写器的重要组成部分。实验测定了天线尺寸、品质因数、天线电感值以及金属环境对天线性能的影响,发现天线的读写距离大约为天线内部直径的2倍;品质因数最好为13~20;最佳电感值为700μH;金属环境会对天线性能的影响包括读写器天线与金属距离、金属材料、金属板开孔大小以及应答器安装孔的大小,最后给出了改善天线性能的4种方法。
Antenna is an important component of RFID reader.The effects of antenna size,quality factor,inductance and metal environment to the performance of antenna were tested in the experiment.From the experiment results,it could be seen that the read/write distance of antenna was about twice antenna's internal diameter,the best quality factor was between 13 and 20 and the best inductance was 700 μH.In addition,the metal environment which included the distance of reader's antenna to metal,metal material,the hole of metal and the hole of transponder's fixed metal can affect on the performance of antenna.In the end,several methods to improve the performance of antenna were given in the article.
China Measurement & Test