3Robert Gamer,Envirormaental Politics:Britain,Europe and the Global Environment, London ;Macmillan, 2000(2nd ed.),p. 154. 被引量:1
4Phil Macnaghten and John Urry,Contested Natures,london : SAGE, 1998, p.35. 被引量:1
5Robert Garner,Environmental Politics: Britain, Europe and the Global Environment, London : Macmillan,2000 (2nd ed,),pp.154-58o. 被引量:1
6Jacqueline Vaughn Switzer and Gary Bryner,Environmental Politics: Domesdc and Global Dimensions,New York:St. Martin' s Press, 1998,pp.2-4. 被引量:1
7Phil Macnaghten and John Urry,Contested Natures,London : SAGE, 1998, pp.35 -36. 被引量:1
8Phil Macnaghten and John Urry,Contested Natures,London : SAGE, 1998, pp.39-42. 被引量:1
9Maarten A. Hajer,The Politics of Environmental Discourse:Ecological Modernization and the Policy Process,Oxford : Claredon Press, 1995, p.87. 被引量:1
10A1 ison Anderson, “Sources -Media Relafons : The Production Of the Environmental Agenda”,in Anders Hansen (ed.)The Mass Media and Environmental Issues,Leicester:Leicester University Press, 1993, p.61. 被引量:1