目的研究三峡工程二期蓄水对坝区并殖吸虫病流行因素的影响,为制定坝区并殖吸虫病的防治对策提供依据。方法 2006~2008年对库首进行现场调查,溪蟹监测采用人工捕捉法,并殖吸虫囊蚴采用镜检计数。采用酶联免疫吸附试验(Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays,ELISA)对当地人群进行抗并殖吸虫抗体检测方法。结果溪蟹的并殖吸虫平均感染率是5.04%,其中2006年的感染率最高是6.47%,2006~2008年溪蟹并殖吸虫平均感染率是5.04%,2006年最高为6.47%,人群血清并殖吸虫抗体阳性率为0.90%。结论三峡工程二期蓄水后,坝区溪蟹密度呈逐年下降趋势,溪蟹的并殖吸虫感染率和人群并殖吸虫感染率都处于较低水平,在近几年并殖吸虫病发生流行的可能性较小。
Aim To investigate the second impoundment in the three gorges dam area on the prevalence of paragonimiasis.Methods Paragonimus metacercaria in artificially captured freshwater crab were microscopically examined and the serum samples were colleted from healthy residents in the three gorges dam area for detection of latent infection with paragonims bu ELISA.Results The average infection rate of freshwater carb with paragonimus was 5.04%,bejing the lowest in 2007(3.94%)and the highest in 2006(3.94%).While the average latent paragonimus infection rate in the residents was 0.90%.Cconclusion The infection rates of paragonimus in freshwater crab and the residents in the three gorges dam area showed declining tend year after year and kept at a low level after the second impoundment.Thus it is considered there is little likelihood of occurring prevalence of paragonimiasis in the three gorges dam area.
China Tropical Medicine