
基于ISAfE指标的我国调血脂类基本药物再评价初探 被引量:2

Discussion of the Evaluation Index for China's Essential Medicine——A case study of Antilipemic Agents
摘要 目的:通过ISAfE指标评价我国调血脂类基本药物的遴选。方法:综合运用文献研究及比较分析和统计分析的方法进行实证研究。结果与结论:我国调脂类基本药物的遴选符合基本药物的一般要求,ISAfE指标的初探为今后基本药物再评价提供了参考。 Objective: To evaluate the selection of essential drugs for Antilipemic by ISAFE index. Method: The empirical research has been conducted, combining the use of literature research, comparative analysis and statistical analysis. Results and Conclusion: The selection of essential drugs for Antilipemic in China is in line with the requirements of essential drugs, and the primary research of ISAfE index could provide a reference for reevaluation of essential drugs in the future.
作者 李奕璋 邵蓉
出处 《中国药物经济学》 2011年第1期56-63,共8页 China Journal of Pharmaceutical Economics
关键词 ISAfE 调血脂 药基本药物 评价 ISAfE Antilipemic Agents Essential drugs Evaluation
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