
双侧髋关节离断假肢交互步态行走机构的研究 被引量:3

Design of Reciprocal Gait Prosthesis for Bilateral Hip Disarticulation
摘要 目的设计一种与双侧髋关节离断假肢其他配件连接的交互步态行走机构。方法将截瘫患者用矫形器交互步态行走原理应用于双侧髋关节离断假肢交互步态行走机构中,为1例截肢者安装交互步态行走假肢,并与穿普通加拿大式双髋离断假肢摆过步态的行走速度和能量消耗进行比较。结果患者穿交互步态行走假肢交互步行比穿普通加拿大式双髋离断假肢摆过步行能量消耗少,且减轻上肢负荷,行走外观更接近常人;后者比前者行走速度快,但是能耗高。结论本截肢者交互步态行走假肢比传统假肢步行能量消耗少,行走外观更接近常人。 Objective To design a reciprocal gait prosthesis connecting with the other prosthetic accessories for the bilateral hip disarticulation amputees.MethodsThe principle of reciprocal gait orthosis for paraplegia was used in the design,fitting reciprocal gait prosthesis for an amputee,which was compared with an ordinary bilateral Canadian type hip disarticulation prosthesis in the walking velocity and energy expenditure.ResultsThe amputee walked at lower energy expenditure and more like normal gait with reciprocal gait prosthesis while the walking velocity decreased,compared with the conventional prosthesis.ConclusionThis reciprocal gait prosthesis for bilateral hip disarticulation amputee needs less energy expenditure during walking like normal gait.
出处 《中国康复理论与实践》 CSCD 2011年第4期382-385,共4页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice
基金 首都医学发展基金(2007-3133)
关键词 截肢 双侧髋关节离断 假肢 交互步态 能量消耗 amputee bilateral hip disarticulation prosthesis reciprocal gait energy expenditure
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