

Studies of event-related potentials of different types of reason-ing
摘要 目的探讨卡片推理与词语结构类比推理对事件相关电位的影响。方法采用Netsta-tion事件相关电位记录和分析系统,测定14名大学生的事件相关电位。结果4卡片推理与类比推理在头皮前部和后部正确反应和错误反应,波幅差异不均衡;150ms300ms时窗下,反应类型和记录点的交互作用显著(F=1.838,P〈0.05);记录点的主效应显著(F=1.874,P〈0.05);250ms-500ms时窗下,记录点的主效应显著(F=2.516,P〈0.05)。结论4卡片条件推理与类比推理具有不同的神经机制,大脑左半球和右半球在两种推理中起着不同的作用。 Objective To explore the variability of event-related potentials(ERPs) of different types of reasoning. Methods ERPs of 14 undergraduates were measured using Netstation ERP Recording and Analysis Systems. Results Amplitudes were significantly different between four-card and analogical reason- ing in frontal and posterior part of cortex. ; during time window (150-300) ms, the interaction of reaction type and recording point (F=I. 838,P〈0.05) and the main effect was significant (F=I. 874,P〈0.05): During the time window(250-500) ms, the main effect was significant(F=2. 516,P〈0.05). Conclusion Four-card reasoning has different neromechanism from analogical reasoning, left or right hemisphere plays a different role in two reasoning.
作者 周鹏生
出处 《临床心身疾病杂志》 CAS 2011年第3期197-199,共3页 Journal of Clinical Psychosomatic Diseases
关键词 4卡片推理 类比推理 事件相关电位 神经机制 Four-card reasoning analogical reasoning~ ERP neuromechanism
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