岩相学、岩石化学及稀土元素和微量元素研究证明, 柴胡栏子金矿田的燕山期火成岩组合具有活动大陆边缘弧火成岩组合的特点, 介于典型的靠近海沟的钙碱性弧火成岩与陆内造山火成岩之间的过渡类型。流体包裹体测温 (180℃~290℃), 硫同位素 (δ34 S= 31‰~78‰), 氢氧同位素 (成矿流体以岩浆水为主, 有大气水参与), 岩石、矿石稀土元素配分特点的相似性等说明金的成矿主要与岩浆作用有关。燕山期岩浆构造作用引起原始矿源层太古界建平群中的金发生活化、迁移, 并在岩浆热液的进一步作用和大气水的参与下, 发生富集沉淀, 形成金矿床。柴胡栏子金矿田的北矿区金矿成矿主要与闪长岩有关, 以蚀变岩型为主。王府矿区金矿化与闪长玢岩脉关系最密切, 以石英脉型为主。岩浆作用为金矿床的形成提供了热源和大部分热液来源, 并且是成矿物质活化和转移的载体。本区金矿床应属与岩浆作用有关的中温热液矿床。
The characteristics of the magmatic activity,metallogeny of Chaihulanzi gold deposit and the tectonic environment for the formation of Yanshanian magmatic rocks and gold deposits have been discussed The study on the petrographic facies, petrochemistry, rare earth elements and trace elements indicates that the magmatic rocks association in Chaihulanzi gold field belongs to mobile continental margin It is indicated that the gold deposits are formed at intermediate temperature(180℃~290℃) by thermometer of fluid inclusions, having a stable and deep source for ore forming material by the narrow variation scope of sulphur isotopic( δ 34 S=3 1‰~7 8‰) Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic data suggest that the ore forming fluid is mainly from magma and joined with meteorological water The magmatic rocks and gold ores show similar normalized chondrite patterns All of the features show that the gold mineralization is mainly related to magmatic activity The intense tectonic and magmatic activity during Yanshanian movement triggered the mobilization, migration and enrichment of gold in the metamorphosed rocks of Archean group and resulted in the formation of gold deposits of different scales In the north district, the gold deposit whose genesis belongs to altered rock type is mainly related to diorite In Wangfu district, the quartz vein type gold deposit is closely related to the diorite porphyry beside it The magmatic activity provided the heat and the most part of hydrothermal fluids for the formation of the deposits; it is also the carrier for the migration and mobilization of minerogenetic materials The gold deposits in the area belong to mesothermal ore deposit
Acta Petrologica Sinica
中国科学院 "九五"黄金重点科技攻关项目
Gold deposit, Magamtic activity, Yanshanian orogenic belt, Chaihulanzi gold field