目的 比较妊娠期不同程度血小板减少对母儿结局的影响。方法回顾性分析2000年1月1日至2010年1月31日本院收治的妊娠期血小板减少病例305例,病因学诊断分别为妊娠期血小板减少症、特发性血小板减少性紫癜及部分病因不明者。根据孕期最低血小板计数分成4组:Ⅰ组:(50~100)×10^9/L;Ⅱ组:(30~50)×10^9/L;Ⅲ组:(10~30)×10^9/L;Ⅳ组:〈10×10^9/L。Ⅰ~Ⅳ组病例数依次为101、85、87和32例。比较各组患者孕期并发症、治疗、新生儿结局和随访情况。应用SPSS17.0统计软件进行数据处理,采用方差分析、Spearman等级相关分析、卡方检验、趋势卡方分析。结果305例孕妇并发贫血68例(22.30%),早产40例(13.11%),产后出血60例(19.67%),患病率均随血小板减少程度加重而升高(P均<0.05),产后24h内出血量随血小板减少程度加重而增多。孕期并发妊娠期高血压疾病35例(11.48%),糖代谢异常23例(7.54%),各组患病率差异均无统计学意义。产褥感染2例(0.66%),无孕产妇死亡。305例产妇随访血小板恢复者共211例(69.18%),产后半年内母体血小板恢复正常率Ⅰ~Ⅳ组依次为90.59%(77/85)、82.36%(42/51)、46.16%(24/52)和39.13%(9/23),随孕期血小板减少程度加重而恢复率下降(X^2趋势=42.616,P趋势=0.000)。活产儿301例,胎死宫内5例,早期新生儿死亡4例,新生儿血小板减少18例(5.98%),颅内出血1例。随母体血小板减少程度加重,新生儿血小板减少患病率增高(X^2趋势=17.806,P趋势=0.000);16例新生儿血小板减少在出生后3~8周恢复正常,2例随访3年未恢复。结论随着血小板减少程度加重,母体贫血、早产、产后出血及新生儿血小板减少的患病风险均有增加。严密的围产期保健可改
Objective To investigate the perinatal outcomes of pregnancies complicated with varying degrees of thrombocytopenia. Methods Clinical data of 305 pregnant women with thrombocytopenia, who admitted to Peking University People's Hospital from January 1, 2000 to January 31, 2010 were retrospectively analyzed. The etiological diagnosis of them were gestational thrombocytopenia (GT), idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) or undetermined. The patients were divided into 4 groups according to the minimal level of platelets in pregnancy (platelets count was lower than 100×10^9/L at least twice) : group I , (50-100) ×10^9/L (n=101) ; group Ⅱ , (30-50) × 10^9/L (n=85); group Ⅲ, (10-30)× 10^9/L (n = 87); group Ⅳ 〈10 × 10^9/L (n = 32). Demographic data such as pregnancy complications, treatment, neonates and follow up results of the patients in each group were compared with ANOVA, Spearman rank correlation analysis, Chf-square test and Chi-square trend test in SPSS 17.0. Results Medical complications in pregnancy of these patients included hypertensive disorder complicating (n= 35, 11.48%) and abnormal glucose metabolism (n=23, 7.54%), no difference was found in the incidence of these diseases among the four groups. There were 68 patients complicated with anemia (22.30%), 40 preterm delivery ( 13.11%), 60 postpartum hemorrhage (19.67%) ; there were significant differences in the incidence among the four groups (P〈0.05), the incidence increased with the aggravation of thrombocytopenia (P〈0.05). There were 2 cases of puerperal infection (0.66%), no maternal deaths. Fifty one patients (16. 72%) aeeepted treatment of eorticosteroids or Gamma globulin during pregnancey Therewere 116 cases (38. 030/00) of vaginal delivery and 189 cases (61.97%) of cesarean section. The postpartum bleeding amount within 24 hours increased with the aggravation of thrombocytopenia. Two hundred and eleven (69.18%) patients were followed up a
Chinese Journal of Perinatal Medicine
Pregnancy complications, hematologic
Pregnancy outcome