Remote sensor radiometric calibration is a prerequisite for quantitative remote sensing.The accuracy of radiometric calibration has a direct impact on the reliability and accuracy of quantitative application of remote sensing data.The radiometric performance of onboard sensor will decline with the time's going,therefore,the update of calibration coefficients periodically is very important to those precise remote sensing applications.For the lack of onboard calibration instrument and the expensive vicarious calibration,the updates of calibration coefficients to the small satellite constellation for environment and disaster monitoring(HJ satellites)are usually once a year,which is difficult to satisfy the requirements of quantitative remote sensing.With cross-calibration method,a dedicated sensor can be calibrated on a certain spectral channel against another sensor which has rather accurate calibration coefficients.Cross-calibration method is more economical since stable radiometric site and simultaneous ground measurements are no longer necessary.In this paper,the visible and near-infrared spectral bands of HJ-1B/CCD1 are cross-calibrated against the corresponding bands of Terra/MODIS.Two types of cross-calibration methods,including Ray-Matching(RM)method and Radiative Transfer Modeling(RTM)method,are introduced using the HJ-1B/CCD1 and Terra/MODIS images acquired in Dunhuang Gobi desert area in August,2009.Results were compared between the two cross-calibration methods,and the validity of cross-calibration was proved.At last,cross-calibration uncertainties are analyzed,mainly including discrepancies of observed geometry and spectral difference between the two sensors.The uncertainty of the cross-calibration is low except for band 1,which have proved the validity of the cross-calibration methods.
Remote Sensing Information