目的 对2002-2006年期间天津城市居民的甲状腺癌发病率进行描述性流行病学研究,合并天津市26年的发病率数据进行长期趋势分析,并与历史同期上海市和美国发病率数据进行比较.方法 计算甲状腺癌发病率的年度百分比变化以及全癌谱的发病率顺位,分析不同组织类型的发病率时间趋势以及占全部新发病例的构成比变化.结果 2006年女性甲状腺癌发病率为6.55/10万,位居女性癌谱第8位.近26年天津市甲状腺癌的发病率呈逐年上升趋势,其中乳头状癌的发病率增加了5.7倍.女性甲状腺癌与1981年比较发病率增长了267%,年均增长3.1%,增长速度在全部女性癌症中排第2位.与历史同期上海市与美国女性甲状腺癌的发病率变化趋势相似.结论 近年来甲状腺癌已成为女性常见恶性肿瘤之一,特别是乳头状癌所占的构成比与发病率逐年增高.提示需积极寻找相关的危险因素,采取针对性的预防措施.
Objective To conduct a descriptive epidemiological study on thyroid cancer incidence in the urbanarea of Tianjin during 2002 - 2006 and to analyze the secular trend of incidences based on previous data of 26 years and those from Shanghai and the United States. Methods Annual percent change (APC%) of thyroid cancer incidence and the rank of all-site cancer profiles were estimated. The secular trend of different histological incidences and the proportion changes were analyzed. Results The incidence of female thyroid cancer was 6. 55/100000 in 2006, ranking the eighth in the female cancer profile. The incidence of thyroid cancer showed an increased secular trend in recent 26 years, especially a 5.7-fold increase in the papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). The incidence for female increased by 267% in 2006 compared to that in 1981, APC% was 3. 1%. The variation ranked second among all the female tumors. The incidences of thyroid cancer in Shanghai and the United States also elevated with time.Conclusions Thyroid cancer has been one of female common tumors from a once less common tumor,especially the proportion of PTC is expanding. It suggests that further study on the risk factors and preventive efforts should be made.
Chinese Journal of General Surgery