简述了自组织模糊控制的基本原理,并根据其原理设计了一种模糊控制器,用于实现表面张力过渡焊的电压电流波形,减少CO2 焊接时的飞溅。本文采用80C196KB 单片机来实现模糊控制器。实验表明,该系统达到了设计要求,在控制CO2 短路熔滴过渡中获得了明显的效果。
This paperintroducesthe principle ofself organizedfuzzy controland base onitafuzzy controlleris designed .The controller can realize the voltage and current wave form ofsurfacetension transition weldingto reducethe splash in CO2 welding . The controlleris corried out by 80C196KBsinglechip .The experimentresultsindicatesthatthe design ofthe system is correct and the effect ofthe controlof CO2 short circuiting melted drop transition is good .
Electric Welding Machine