

WSN Node-level Congestion Avoidance Mechanism Based on Entropy Theory
摘要 无线传感器网络(WSN)中多对一通信产生的网络拥塞是一个亟待解决的问题。针对WSN节点生命期有限的情况,引入了节点相对信息熵的概念,提出基于节点相对信息熵的拥塞避免机制:节点首先计算其联合信息熵为上游节点分配数据窗;然后上游节点根据收到的数据窗的大小来决定向下游节点发送数据包的大小。仿真分析表明,该算法有效地避免了网络数据包的丢失,减少了网络传输延迟,且具有良好的能量有效性。 Network congestion produced by many to one communication is a crusial problem in WSN. In allusion to the limited lifetime for WSN nodes, the relative information entropy of the node is introduced, and a node-level congestion avoidance mechanism is proposed. The relative information entropy of nodes is calculated to distribute data window for upstream nodes, and then the upstream nodes send the data packets according to the size of the received data window. The simulation analyses show that the proposed algorithm can effectively avoid the loss of network data packets, reduce the delay of network transmission and also has the excellent energy effectiveness.
作者 褚红玉 陈光
出处 《现代电子技术》 2011年第10期108-111,共4页 Modern Electronics Technique
关键词 无线传感器网络 节点相对信息熵 拥塞避免 数据窗 wireless sensor network node relative information entropy congestion avoidance data window
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