目的探讨微生态制剂对降低新生儿高未结合胆红素血症(UCHB)血清胆红素的机理和疗效.方法46例UCHB患儿被分为两组,常规治疗基础上,观察组加服多维乳酸菌散(妈咪爱);全自动生化分析仪,重氮偶合比色法测血清胆红素.结果 治疗72小时,观察组血清总胆红素较对照组降低明显(P<0.05),日均胆红素下降均值分别是44.06±7.22μmol/L和36.35±7.19μml/L(p<0.001).结论 妈咪爱对降低新生儿UCHB有效,符合当前干预新生儿UCHB主张采用较换血更安全的疗法的趋势.
ve To study the therapeutic effect and mechanism of microecosystem preparation to reduce the serum bilirubin level in neonatal unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia(UCHB). Methods Forty - six neonates with UCHB were divide into two groups. Beside the conventional treatment, pulvis polyvitamin lactobacillus (Mamiai) was given to the investigated group. Total serum bilirubin (TSB) levels were determined by diazo coincidence analysis colorimetricl method with full automatic biochemical analyser. Results After 72 hours treatment, the decreased TSB levels of the investigated group were more obvious than those of the control group (P < 0. 05) . The average value of daily decreased TSB level was 44. 06 ±7. 22μmol/L in the forme , and 36. 35±7. 19μmol/L in the latter (P < 0. 001) Conclusion Mamiai is an effective drug to reduce the TSB level in nenatal UCHB, and it accords with the current trend that intervention of neonatal UCHB should be safer than exchange transfusion.
Journal of Pediatric Pharmacy
Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia Infant newborn Microecosystem preparation