
颈部对称性脂肪瘤的诊治 被引量:8

Experiences of the Diagnosis and Treatment of Symmetric Lipomatosis in the Neck
摘要 目的探讨颈部对称性脂肪瘤的诊断和治疗。方法对2004年3月-2010年10月收治的5例颈项部脂肪瘤患者,其临床症状、体征、术前术后处理及结果等临床资料进行回顾。结果 5例均为男性,以颈、项部大量皮下脂肪堆积为主要临床表现,其中1例伴有胸部上分皮下脂肪堆积,呈对称性隆起。3例患者伴阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征,2例患者有睡眠打鼾但无明显呼吸暂停。4例患者有脂肪肝和长期酗酒史,但肝功能无异常改变,其中1例(1/4)有多次乙醇中毒史。1例患者无酗酒史,但诉经常作颈部刮痧治疗。5例均行外科手术切除,术中见肿瘤为白色无包膜脂肪组织。术后随访3个月~2年,1例术后1年复发,未行再次治疗,其余未见明显复发。结论颈部对称性脂肪瘤是脂肪组织弥漫性、对称性沉积于颈胸部皮下浅筋膜间隙和(或)深筋膜间隙的良性疾病。患者以中年男性居多,长期的酗酒史及典型的临床表现对于该病的诊断有一定帮助,但酗酒可能并非唯一病因。对于影响美观及功能的患者,其手术疗效较理想。 Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of symmetric lipomatosis in the neck.Methods We retrospectively analyzed the clinical manifestations,signs,preoperative and postoperative management,and the treatment outcome of five patients with symmetric lipomatosis hospitalized in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery of West China Hospital between March 2004 and October 2010.Results All the five patients are male with a large quantity of subcutaneous fat deposit in and around the neck.Among them,one patient demonstrated extending upper thorax mass in the form of symmetrical apophysis;three experienced obstructive sleep apnea hypoventilation syndrome,and two had the symptom of snoring without apnea.Four patients had a long history of alcohol abuse with fatty liver,but had no liver dysfunction.In these four patients,one had alcoholism for many times.One out of the five patients had no history of alcohol abuse,but said to have been treated by a traditional Chinese medical technique GUASHA.All the patients underwent resection surgery,during which a large amount of noncapsulated white adipose tissue was confronted.The duration of follow-up lasted from three months to two years.There was one case of recurrence one year after the surgery and the patient refused re-operation.No obvious recurrence was found in the rest of the group.Conclusions Symmetric lipomatosis is a benign lesion characterized by diffused and symmetric accumulation of adipose tissue in the superficial or deep fascia space in the cervico-thoracic region.It mainly takes place in the middle-aged people.Long history of alcohol abuse and typical clinical manifestations can help to reach the diagnosis,but alcoholism may not be the only cause in etiology.Surgery may be the feasible therapeutic modality up to now.
出处 《华西医学》 CAS 2011年第3期368-371,共4页 West China Medical Journal
关键词 脂肪瘤 诊断 治疗 脂肪肉瘤 头颈部 Lipomatosis; Diagnosis; Treatment; Liposarcoma; Head and neck;
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