目的探讨扩张型心肌病(dilated cardiomyopathy DCM)患者心律失常类型及发生率与相关因素。方法 75例DCM患者通过常规心电图、24h动态心电图、彩色多普勒超声心动图、冠状动脉造影检查、心功能分级等结果进行分析。结果房性心律失常占38.7%,其中复杂房性心律失常占28%,与左房内径(Left Atrial diameters LAD)扩大有关,室性心律失常占61.3%,其中≥Lown III级患者占50%,与左室舒张末期内径(Left Ventriculor end diameters dimension LVEDd)大小有关,心功能差的发生率高,传导阻滞患者占45%为多部位多类型传导阻滞。结论 DCM患者心律失常多样性,心功能越差,高级别心律失常及复合性心律失常发生率越高。复杂性房性心律失常与LAD有关,复杂性室性心律失常及传导阻滞与LVEDd相关。
Objective To discuss the categories,incidence and related factors of arrhythmias in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy.Methods 75 patients with DCM were studies with conventional ECG,Holter,multicolor Doppler echocardiography and coronary examination,analyzed the rating of cardiac function.Result Atrial arrhythmias accounted for 38.7%,in which complicated atrial arrhythmias takes 28 percent,related to the left atrial diameters expansion,while ventricular arrhythmias was the other 61.3%,in which patients equal than Lown II were at 50% related to the Left Ventricular end diameters dimension.It took 45% that the multi-site and multi-type conduction retardarce in conduction retardarce.Conclusion The patients with arrhythmias in DCM are diverse,the cardiac function weaker,the higher incidence for high-level arrhythmias and complicated arrhythmias.Complicated atrial arrhythmias is related to LAD,while ventricular arrhythmias and conduction retardarce is related to LEVEDd.
Chinese Journal of Misdiagnostics