目的探讨香港地区一般人群健康相关生命质量(HRQOL)的中医体质因素。方法针对香港地区15岁以上一般人群中医体质和健康状况进行调查,在对简明健康状况量表(MOS SF-36)和中医体质量表信度评价基础上,采用Logistic回归分析研究HRQOL的中医体质因素。结果 MOS SF-36的Cronbach’sα系数除一般健康(GH)及社会功能(SF)维度分别为0.66和0.59外,其他6个维度的总Cronbach’sα系数均在0.72~0.90之间;中医体质量表9个亚量表内部一致性Cronbach’sα系数除血瘀质为0.66外,其余均在0.70~0.89之间。与平和质人群相比,香港地区其他8种偏颇体质人群HRQOL减损的危险度在生理领域和心理领域及生命质量所有8个维度均升高。结论香港地区一般人群气虚质、气郁质的HRQOL较其他偏颇体质更低;8种偏颇体质均对HRQOL减损有影响,特别是气虚质、痰湿质、湿热质、气郁质的影响更为显著。提示对于香港地区不同中医体质类型人群采取相对应的调体措施,可以提高HRQOL。
Objectives To explore the correlation between constitution in Chinese medicine and healthrelated quality of life (HRQOL) in general population of Hongkong. Methods By using the Constitution in Chinese Medicine Questionnaire (CCMQ) and the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form Health Survey {MOS SF-36}, the constitution in Chinese medicine and health situation of general population older than fifteen living in Hongkong were surveyed. The Logistic regression analysis was used to explore their relationship. Results Except General Health (GH) and Social Functioning (SF) sub-scale with 0.66 and 0.59, each of MOS SF-36 sub-scales reached more than 0.70 of Cronbach's alpha. Except blood-stasis type sub-scale with 0.66, other CCMQ sub-scales reached 0.70 to 0.89 of Cronbach's alpha. By the logistic regression analysis, compared with gentleness type, the values of OR was higher in yang-deficiency type, yin-deficiency type, qi-defieiency type, phlegm-dampness type, damp-heat type, blood-stasis type, qi-depression type and special diathesis type. Conclusion In general population of Hongkong, the scores of HRQOL are lowest in qi-deficiency type and qi-depression type. Eight pathological constitutions of yang-deficiency type, yin-deficiency type, qi-deficiency type, phlegm-dampness type, damp-heat type, blood-stasis type, qi-depression type and special diathesis type have significant impact on HRQOL (OR〉 1), especially in qi-deficiency type, phlegm-dampness type, damp-heat type and qi-depression type. To take corresponding measures to adjust pathological constitution can improve HRQOL in general population of Hongkong.
Chinese Journal of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine
constitution in Chinese medicine
health-related quality of life
Logistic regression analysis