
印度对华反倾销非市场经济待遇:1994~2009年历史案件的行业分析 被引量:2

India’s Non-Market-Economy Treatment of China in Anti-Dumping Investigations:A Sectoral Analysis of Historical Cases 1994~2009
摘要 印度已成为全球对外反倾销和对华反倾销第一大国。本文对可获详情的134起涉华案件的非市场经济待遇状况从行业角度进行统计分析,结果表明:(1)在采取反倾销措施的119起案件中,中方应诉案件为66起,在参与终裁应诉的224家企业中,仅有22家获市场经济待遇;(2)政府参股是当局确定中国应诉企业非市场经济待遇的首要依据;(3)调查当局对涉案企业上游主要投入品生产企业股权结构、价格决定、政府干预和要素市场的调查因其对反补贴的潜在影响而值得进一步关注。 India has topped the list of nations initiating anti-dumping cases against foreign countries and against China.This paper conducts a sectoral survey and statistical analysis of India's non-market-economy treatment of China based on 134 cases available and finds that:(1)of the 119 cases with anti-dumping measures,there are 66 cases to which Chinese exporters actively responded and of the 224 responding exporters,22 were offered market economy treatment;(2)government share-holding is the key reason for the non-market-economy treatment;(3)the authority's investigation regarding the equity structure,price decision and government intervention of the upstream enterprises and factor markets is worth further examination for its possible impact on potential anti-subsidy cases.
作者 张斌
机构地区 东华大学
出处 《国际商务研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期3-13,共11页 International Business Research
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"‘非市场经济’国家与多边贸易体制的政治经济关系研究"(项目编号:06CGJ008)
关键词 印度 反倾销 非市场经济待遇 India anti-dumping non-market-economy treatment
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