为了检验土壤生物工程措施在河流生态恢复中的作用,以北京市怀柔区琉璃河裸露坡岸为研究对象,针对该河段坡面的溅蚀、面蚀、沟蚀以及侧渗侵蚀等土壤侵蚀现象,采用扦插、灌丛垫、埋根和梢捆等几种土壤生物工程措施对河流岸坡进行近自然恢复。分别对施工1个月、4个月、5个月和13个月时毛柳(Salix matsudana)的生长特征和稳固岸坡效果进行了调查监测。结果表明,采用不同的土壤生物工程施工方法,成活的毛柳生长情况均达到较高的水平,不同土壤生物工程措施的新枝高度和基径平均分别增长到116.9cm和0.85cm。由于施工方法不同,毛柳的生长表现出明显的差异;完工1个月后,各种措施毛柳的生长状况由好到差依次是:灌丛垫、埋根、梢捆;完工4个月、5个月和13个月后,生长状况由好到差依次是:埋根、梢捆、灌丛垫、扦插。基径的生长情况与生长高度的情况遵循同样的规律。土壤生物工程施工后河溪岸坡植物快速恢复,生物多样性增加。最后总结了土壤生物工程施工后的管理防护应注意的问题。
In the suburb of Beijing City,a bare section of the river bank was selected at the Liuli River to investigate and monitor the positive effects of soil bioengineering techniques on river ecological restoration in local areas.The river bank is marked by diverse types of soil erosion including splash erosion,sheet erosion,gully erosion and seepage erosion.Several soil engineering measures such as stem cuttings,brush mattress,root burying and fascine were deployed as near-natural restoration of the river bank.The growth characteristics and bank stabilization effects of Salix matsudana were investigated respectively in 1,4,5 and 13 months after the deployment.The results indicate that Salix matsudana achieved a high survival rate,and the average height of the new shoot and the average root diameter reached 116.9 cm and 0.85 cm respectively.The growth of Salix matsudana varied considerably among the four engineering measures.Within one month after the deployment,brush mattress treatment showed the highest growth vigor,followed in order by the treatments of root burying,and then fascine.In the other three investigation times,Salix matsudana in the root-burying treatment showed the best growing condition and the stem-cutting treatment was the worst.The growth characteristics in terms of root diameter and new-shoot height exhibited exactly the same trend.The application of soil bioengineering techniques efficiently recovered the plants on the riverbank and increased largely the biodiversity at the same time.This paper also summarized the precautions for the riverbank management.
Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation
soil bioengineering
the Liuli River
ecological restoration
final management