

The Possibility and Possible Defence for the WTO Countervailing Lawsuit China's Green Energy Industry Might Face——An Understanding of the Case of "Launch Aid"
摘要 我国通过各种途径扶植绿色能源产业,包括美国在内的许多国家都会有扶植政策。但中国目前的扶植政策可能会面临来自美国贸易代表处的WTO诉讼。日前,WTO专家小组公布了美国提起的诉欧洲各国政府通过"启动.助"(Launch aid)对空中客车航空公司提供补贴一案的终裁结果。在终裁意见中,专家小组对如何认定可诉性补贴、禁止性补贴;如何计算补贴利益提出了重要的观点。通过该案件的分析,我们可以预测美国是否会对中国的绿色能源产业提起反补贴诉讼。同时,依据"启动.助"案中美国与欧盟两方的起诉与抗辩,本文欲为绿色能源产业可能面临的诉讼建立起有利的抗辩。首先中国政府可试图证明对可再生能源的出口的做法不符合"补贴"的定义,其次应从法律文本中删除任何涉及与出口收入或出口实绩相关的话语或条款,从而避免被认定为法律上的禁止性补贴,再次应从"严重歧视"这一突破口证明对可再生能源产业的做法并不符合可诉性补贴。最后,本文认为如果依据专家小组在"启动.助"案的利益计算方法,我国的做法极易被认定为补贴。 China has made great effort to foster the green energy industry. This is the case in many countries including the United States. But the current foster policy might confront WTO law suits filing by the U.S. Trade Representative. A few days ago, the WTO panel issued the final ruling on Slams illegal subsidies for Europe's airbus in case brought by U.S.(the "Launch Aid" case). In this final ruling, the panel presented important opinions on how to maintain actionable subsidies, prohibited subsidies and how to calculate subsidy benefit. Through the analysis of this case, we could predict the possibility that whether United States would file a suit on China's green energy industry. Meanwhile, the claims and the defences presented in the "Launch Aid" case are quite useful for us to establish our own defences for the possible law suit. First of all, the Chinese government should establish that the actions taken on the green energy industry can not be deem as "subsidies"; Second, the export related income or performance should be eliminated from any of the legal documents between the government and the industry. Moreover, no "seriously prejudice" should be proved so that the actionable subsidies would not be constituted. Finally, this article take the view that the method used by the panel in the "Launch Aid" is not in the benefit of China.
作者 刘丽娟
出处 《世界贸易组织动态与研究(上海对外贸易学院学报)》 2011年第3期25-30,共6页 Journal of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
关键词 可诉性补贴 禁止性补贴 不可诉补贴 专向性 actionable subsidies prohibited subsidies non-actionable subsidies specificity
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