
中型景观尺度下杨树人工林林分特征对树干病害发生的影响--以河南省清丰县为例 被引量:9

Impact of stand features of short-rotation poplar plantations on canker disease incidence at a mesoscale landscape:a case study in Qingfeng County,Henan Province,China
摘要 首次利用景观病理学原理和方法对河南省清丰县一个中型景观下杨树人工林干部病害发生特征开展了研究,目的是解析在大尺度下杨树人工林病害发生与寄主本身及其群体特征间的关系。在100 km2的调查区域,杨树人工林的平均发病株率在不同林龄、不同密度及不同郁闭度下均存在极显著的差异,且发病株率与林龄(1-12 a)及林分密度呈极显著的正相关关系、并随着林分郁闭度升高而增高。以种植方式和林分类型划分斑块类型,分析显示发病株率在不同斑块间差异显著:农田间作斑块的林木发病株率显著低于孤立斑块、纯林斑块、混交林等斑块的发病株率;但发病株率在孤立斑块、纯林斑块及混交林等斑块间无显著差异。不同品种、不同树龄个体的发病指数(即病害严重程度)差异极显著,所有品种的发病指数均在10-12 a时达到最大;其中三倍体毛白杨的平均发病指数最高,达10.48%,显著高于其他所有品种。总体看,林分密度及林龄对发病株率、发病指数起到关键作用。因此,分龄期间伐以调节林分密度有可能成为预防杨树人工林病害在林分及景观水平上发生、流行与爆发的关键;确立不同用途的人工林栽培模式也是预防病害发生的一个有效途径,如采用密植技术并以2-4 a为采伐周期、以收获生物量为目的的短周期作物林,可以避免到生长后期发病株率和发病指数升高的问题。根据发病指数的差异,I-69杨和三倍体毛白杨不适宜在这个区域培育大径级用材;因此,景观病理学能够帮助判别不同栽培品种在同一景观区域内的适应性,尤其是在气候条件一致以及土壤条件基本一致的情况下。 Landscape pathology is a research approach that can provide validation of the effectiveness of regional controls of forest disease at landcape scale on the rate of pathogen spread,occurrence and severity of diseases.So far few studies have been made on the disease epidemics in poplar plantations at landscape scale in China using the approaches and principles of landscape pathology.Little guidance is available for disease control for the managed poplar short-rotation forestry(SRF) communities at a landscape scale in China,which has the largest area of poplar SRF plantations in the world.Here we reported the results from the first study in China using the approach of landscape pathology on the occurrence characteristics of the disease syndromes in the short-rotation poplar plantations in Qingfeng County,Henan Province.We analyzed the effects of some stand characteristics of plantations on disease incidence(DI) and disease severity index(DSI) of individual trees.Within a 100km2 area,DI varied significantly with stand age(F=4.711,P0.001),tree densities(F= 3.890,P=0.021) and the degree of canopy closure(F=11.122,P0.001).DI in the stands younger than 4 years old was significantly lower than that in the stands older than 6 years old.DI reached the highest value at a stand age of 8 to 10 years.Overall DI was positively correlated with stand age(ranging from 1 to 12 years old)(R2=0.281,P0.001),stands density(R2=0.195,P=0.003),and the degree of canopy closure(R2=0.246,P0.001).DI was significantly lower in agro-forest stand patch than in other three patch types,i.e.isolated patch,pure stand patch and mixed stand patch.On the other hand,DSI was not significantly correlated with stand density,but varied significantly with tree varieties(F=2.693,P=0.013) and trees ages(F=1.917,P=0.004).DSI was highest in the stand about 10 to 12 years old for all poplar varieties we studied here.DSI of triploid clone of Populus tomentosa was significantly higher than all other varieties.Plantatio
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期2757-2767,共11页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 中国林业科学研究院中央级公益性基本研究专项基金项目(CAFYBB2008016) 国家“十一五”科技支撑项目(2006BAD08A11)
关键词 景观病理学 杨树人工林 溃疡病 发病株率 发病指数 林分特征 适应性 landscape pathology poplar plantation canker disease disease incidence disease severity incidence stand features adaptation
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