
无芒雀麦农艺性状遗传多样性研究 被引量:14

Genetic diversity of Bromus inermis on agronomic traits
摘要 对无芒雀麦(Bromus inermis)132份材料进行农艺学性状遗传多样性分析。结果表明,不同来源的材料间存在很大遗传差异,表现出较高的遗传多样性。变异系数为9%~105%,变异系数大的农艺性状有茎叶比、花药长、圆锥花序第1节间长、单株鲜草产量、种子产量、小穗长、水分含量、干草产量、鲜草产量、小穗数等。主成分分析显示,株高、干草产量、鲜草产量、秆直径、水分含量、小穗长、千粒重、小穗数、小穗宽、圆锥花序分枝数、第2颖长、圆锥花序第1节间长、圆锥花序长、叶片数、秆节数、圆锥花序宽、基部分枝长、干鲜比、单株鲜草产量等19个是造成供试材料变异的主要因素。农艺性状聚类结果分为4类:种子宽单独聚为一类,花药长和茎叶比聚为一类,第1颖长、第2颖长、圆锥花序长和种子长聚为一类,其余的24个性状聚为一类。132份材料聚类结果显示:第1类特点是鲜草产量高;第2类特点是叶片数较多和小穗较多;第3类特点是茎叶比小;第4、5类特点是千粒重高;第6类特点是植株高大、叶层较高;第7,8类农艺性状差;第9类特点是种子产量高。本研究结果为无芒雀麦的育种和品种改良提供重要的理论依据。 132 germplasms of Bromus inermis were employed for phenotypic diversity analysis using 31 agronomic traits. High polymorphism was detected among materials from different origins. Variation coefficient ranged from 9% to 105%. Agronomic traits with larger variation were ratio of stem biomass to leaves biomass, anther length, length of the first joint of panicle, yield per plant, seeds yield, length of spikelet, moisture content, hay yield, fresh yield, number of spikelet,etc. The results of principal component analysis showed that the 19 principal components, including plant height, hay yield, fresh yield, stalk diameter, moisture content, length and width of spikelet, 1 000-seed weight, number of spikelet, number of stem of panicle, length of the second glume, length of the first joint of panicle, length and width of panicle, number of blade, number of culm joint, length of base branch, ratio of hay yield to fresh yield and yield per plant, were the main factors for agronomic variation, and the cumulation of first 14 principal components contributed 86.22% of variation. Cluster analysis based on the agronomic traits showed that all of these traits could be divided into four groups: width of seeds alone together for a group; the second group consisting of traits of anther length and ratio of stem biomass to leaves biomass; the third group comprising traits of length of the first glume, length of the second glume, length of panicle, and length of seeds; the rest clustered into the fourth group. Cluster analysis based on 132 germplasms were divided into nine groups: 1) higher fresh yield; 2) more number of blade and number of spikelet; 3) smaller ratio of stem biomass to leaves biomass; 4) and 5) more 1 000-seed weight; 6) higher plant height; 7) and 8) poor agronomic traits; and 9) higher seeds yield per 10 me. The results of this study have provided an important theory basis for B. inermis breeding and varietal improvement.
出处 《草业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期769-776,共8页 Pratacultural Science
基金 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(中国农业科学院草原研究所):"锡林郭勒典型草原生态生产功能区评价与适应性管理模式研究"(2010-Z-3) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(中国农业科学院草原研究所):"八种优异禾草种质资源评价研究(1610332011006)" 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(中国农业科学院草原研究所):"内蒙古太仆寺旗典型草原放牧管理优化模式研究(1610332011019)" 中俄项目"优异作物基因资源收集 评价 利用与安全保存研究--中俄优异牧草遗传资源收集评价及其挖掘利用研究"(2008DFR30200)
关键词 无芒雀麦 遗传多样性 农艺性状 主成分分析 聚类分析 Bromus inermis genetic diversity agronomic trait principal component analysis cluster analysis
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