以快速凝固CuCr10合金薄片为模拟对象,将真空室、铜板和样品作为一个整体换热系加以考虑,采用一维傅立叶热传导方程描述热传输过程,并建立快速凝固过程的数值分析模型;通过结合热传导理论和凝固理论对热传导方程的数学解析求解,计算了快速凝固CuCr10合金薄片的温度场和冷却速度,得到了快速凝固100μm厚CuCr10合金薄片的自由侧的冷却速度为4.9×106 K/s,这与单辊旋铸CuCr10合金的实验结果相当吻合。
The cooling cooper plate, vacuum chamber and samples were taken unto account as a nolistic neat system, the numerical simulation model of CuCrlO alloy flake was built by one dimensional heat conduction equation. Based on heat transfer theory and liquid solidification theory, the heat transfer of CuCrlO alloy flakes was approximately simulated during solidification process, so that the temperature distribution and the cooling rate of CuCrlO alloy flake was obtained. According to the integration function, the calculated cooling rate of the melt CuCr10 alloy flake with 100μm thickness is up to 4.9×106 K/s. The result is very coincident with the experiments.
Hot Working Technology