通过长距PCR法测得军曹鱼(Rachycentron canadum)全长16758 bp的mtDNA基因组全序列(GenBank登录号:FJ154956和NC_011219),结构组成与其他硬骨鱼类基本一致。Blast获取GenBank数据库的高相似度(score=10055—30213)全序列数据,运用最大简约法、邻位连接法、最大似然法和贝叶斯法重建了军曹鱼与其他鱼类的系统发育关系,并采样用松散分子钟(Uncorrected relaxed lognormal clock)对军曹鱼的起源时间进行了估算,结果表明:(1)军曹鱼与鲯鳅科的亲缘关系较参与分析的其他鱼类更为密切(后验概率为0.997),推测军曹鱼大约起源于56百万年(Million years ago,Ma)前的古新世塔内特阶(Thanetian)时期;(2)军曹鱼科、鲯鳅科和印鱼科聚为一支,但其置信度较低(后验概率为0.593),且丝帆鱼科、鲹科分别与鲭科和鲀科鱼类聚为不同分支,因此不支持鲹鱼宗系(Carangoid lineage)为单系群。
Cobia Rachycentron canadum is the only species of Rachycentridae distributing widely in subtropical and tropical oceans and seasonally in temperate waters.Cobia has the qualities that define an excellent candidate and emerging global potential for mariculture.Numerous comparative studies have been conducted in attempt to resolve the relationship(to be monophyletic) between Rachycentridae and the other teleosts using anatomical and behavioral methods.The Coryphaenidae and the Rachycentridae and Echeneidae were thought to form a monophyletic group,with Coryphaenidae being the sister group to the clade of Rachycentridae and Echeneidae.Nematistiidae and Carangidae were also hypothesized to be part of a clade with these three families,perhaps forming a trichotomy.However,molecu-lar research regarding the evolutionary relationship of these families remained scarce.Adequate resolution of relation-ships in any organisms required longer DNA sequences.In this study,the whole mitogenome sequence was determined for cobia,using an approach that employs a long polymerase chain reaction technique and primer walking.It was the first complete mtDNA sequence of cobia(Accession No.FJ154956 and NC_011219,16758 bp) in GenBank.The mito-chondrial genomic sequence contained the same 37 mitochondrial structural genes(two ribosomal RNA,22 transfer RNA,and 13 protein-coding genes) as found in other vertebrates,with the gene order identical to that in typical verte-brates.All following analyses were based on two datasets.Dataset 1 consisted of highly similar DNA sequences of mi-togenomes(score=10055-30213) from GenBank;and dataset 2 included the 20 ND2 gene complete sequences of the representative species within Coryphaenidae,Nematistiidae,Echeneidae and all branches with high support values in the trees based on dataset 1.The phylogenetic relationship among cobia and other teleost were reconstructed using maxi-mum parsimony(MP),neighbor-joining(NJ),and maximum likelihood(ML) with dataset 1.MP bootstrap scores we
Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica