随着地质工作的深入发展和科学技术的进步, 遥感技术在地质填图中的应用日益广泛, 遥感地质填图的工作程序可分为前期准备设计、野外填图调查、室内资料处理三个主要阶段,文章对三个主要阶段的具体程序及要求进行了探讨, 同时对野外地层、构造的遥感影象进行了讨论。
The application of remote-sensing technique to the geological mapping is more and more widening because of the profound development of geological works and the progress of science and technology. The process of remote-sensing geological mapping can be divided into the following 3 main stages, ie, the earlier preparation and design, field mapping and investigation and information process indoor. In this paper, we have a discussion on the particular programme and requirement of them and the remote-sensing image of the field strata and structure.
Yunnan Geology