
EV71型手足口病肺组织病理学研究 被引量:7

The pathology study of lung in hand,foot and mouth disease which is caused by enterovirus 71
摘要 目的观察新肠道病毒(EV71)引起的手足口病(HFMD)肺组织的病理变化,并结合临床表现加深对手足口病的认识。方法收集周边医院内7例EV71引起的HFMD死亡患儿尸体并进行解剖,提取肺组织HE染色制片,镜下观察其病理变化。结果各肺泡壁毛细血管高度扩张充血、淤血,肺泡间隔增宽,其内可见多量炎细胞浸润;部分肺组织呈代偿性肺气肿改变;肺泡腔内充满大量浆液,浆液内有多量纤维素渗出,肺泡上皮细胞水肿。肺泡腔及呼吸性细支气管内可见明显透明膜形成;肺门支气管旁淋巴结反应性增生,淋巴滤泡增生。结论 EV71型手足口病可引起肺组织的广泛性损伤。其损伤以肺出血,肺水肿及炎症性病变为主。 Objective To observe the pathological changes of lung in hand,foot and mouth disease(HFMD) which is caused by enterovirous71(EV71) and deepen the knowledge of HFMD with the clinical manifestation.Methods 7 HFMD corpses were collected from the hospitals around,dissected,and HE stained,then the pathological changes were observed.Results Blood capillaries of alveolar wall were hyperemia and congestion,alveolar septum widens,a vast number of monocytes and lymphocytes infiltrated.Some alveoli Ectasia,compensated emphysema.Alveolar space contained a great number of serofluid,in which has muchcellulose exudation,and the cells of alveolar epithelial have edema.Pulmonary hyaline membrane could be seen conspicuously in alveolar spaces and respiratory bronchioles.Reactive hyperplasia of lymph nodes were found around bronchus and hilum of lung with lymphoid follicleshave hyperplasia.Conclusion The HFMD,which caused by EV71,can lead to injury widely in lung with mainly pulmonary hemorrhage,pulmonary edema and inflammation changes.
出处 《济宁医学院学报》 2011年第2期93-95,共3页 Journal of Jining Medical University
关键词 EV71 手足口病 病理学 肺脏 Enterovirus71 Hand foot and mouth disease Pathology lung
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