分析了大峡谷的基本特点, 把它看作是内外作用营力的现阶段表现。提出了内营力的地质基础是破碎的、不良的、不稳定的; 外营力的水汽通道带来强大水热作用的负面影响, 它们结合在一起, 组成了生态环境本质极为脆弱的基础。并把历史上的重大山地灾害当作是一面镜子; 而把现实看到的破坏作为人类参与下正在长鸣的警钟, 提醒人们要建立大峡谷生态环境是极为脆弱的基本概念, 一切要以环保为基础, 以可持续发展为根本目标。
The paper generizes the basic characteristics of the Great Canyon as the present display of interior and external forces acts The paper also put out following conclusions The geologic base of interior forces are broken, harmful and unstable The moisture along the canyon as external bring great influences of water and hot And the conbine of the interior and external forces creat the character of ecology environment of the Great Canyon displaying very fragile base And by reviewing the mountain disasters in historical times and analizing the modern damage by human, the author put out a basic idea of very fragile of ecology environment of the Great Canyon, and protecting environment as the base for all pursuits, sustanable development as the basic aim
Yunnan Geographic Environment Research