Since China embraced the epic reform and opening up policies,Three Gorges power transmission and transformation project is the largest power transmission project,the main features of which are: the wide region of the project,the long-distance of the power transmission,the complex meteorological and topographical conditions,the construction cycle spanning more than 10 years.With developing and changing of the natural and the social environment,in order to ensure the long-term security and stability of the power system operation,it is necessary to optimize the design of Three Gorges power transmission line project.With the fast economic and social development of the five provinces along the lines,and with the changing of the natural environment,the bird’s original habitat was destroyed,and more and more nests have been build on the power transmission line towers,so the impact of bird nest cannot be ignored.How to choose the scientific and economic anti-bird measures to prevent bird damage to the equipments of power transmission line according to the actual situation of various regions,is the important part of the optimization of the Three Gorges power transmission line project design.
Central China Electric Power
optimization of Three Gorges power transmission line project design
the impact of bird damage
scientific and economic
anti-bird damage measures