洞庭湖是全国洪灾最严重的地区, 而西洞庭湖又最危险。澧水突发性的大洪水与长江洪水在这一地区遭遇, 经常形成毁灭性的洪灾, 造成大量人员伤亡和财产损失。为了加速澧水治理和缓解洞庭湖的洪灾, 水利部和湖南省联合组建澧水公司, 合资兴建澧水上第一个防洪控制工程江垭水库。江垭大坝坝高131 m , 是目前世界上已建成的最高的全断面碾压混凝土坝。江垭工程在规划、设计、施工、资金筹措、工程管理和营运机制等方面积累了一些经验, 也有些值得总结和改进之处, 可供类似工程参考。
The Dongting Lake is a region that has the most serious flood disaster in the whole country, especially its west part is the most dangerous. The large sudden flood of Lishui River and the flood of Yangtze River meet in this region and often produce devastating flood that cause great losses of human and properties. In order to speed up the harnessing of the Lishui River basin and to alleviate the flood disaster in Dongting Lake region, the Ministry of Water Resources and Hunan Province jointly established the Lishui River Water Resources and Hydropower Development Company to construct the Jiangya Reservoir——the first flood control project in the Lishui River. The Jiangya dam, with the dam height of 131m, is the highest completed RCC dam in the world. The Jiangya Water Control Project has a lot of successful experience in its planning, design, construction, financing, project management and operation system, which could be used as a reference for the similar project.
Water Power
river basin planning, project summary, Lishui river basin, Jiangya Water Control Project